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Pro-God, Pro-Family, and Pro-America



Constitutional amendments that promote liberty should never be infringed on. Most notably, the First Amendment protects the ability to have freedom of religion, speech, press, and the right to assemble and petition. The Second Amendment should never be infringed on either, American citizens have every right to own firearms for self-defense and the safeguarding of our most vulnerable.



The disunity we have in our nation now can only be comparable to that of the American Civil War. I understand the need to work across both sides of the aisle to achieve success for the great state of Wisconsin. However, I won't compromise on my morals to work with the other side, but I will do everything in my power to create a cohesive state legislature that can remove this era of hyper-partisan hatred and unproductivity.


Election Integrity 

We live in an age with historic election integrity concerns. If we can't trust our election systems how can we trust our representatives? Integrity must be maintained by enforcing objective rules that are in place to prevent voter fraud.



The decisions should be left to parents as to where their children attend school whether that be public, private, or homeschooling. Furthermore, moral decency needs to be regained in public schools in light of political agendas and indoctrination happening to our youth. School should only be a place for intellectual development and preparation for future careers. I do not support the new Title IX changes pushed by the Biden Administration.



The simplest path to having a smooth functioning economy is through a government that spends less than is taken. I will work to ensure budget deficits are a thing of the past and when surpluses are achieved the funds will be reimbursed back to the people of Wisconsin.


Refugee Resettlement

Northwestern Wisconsin has seen historic efforts to resettle refugees and illegal immigrants right in our backyard especially due to the border crisis. There should be no opportunities given for these individuals to be placed in the communities of Northwestern Wisconsin because of the unsustainable demands it creates on social services meant for Wisconsinites and the concern for crime.


Natural Resources

One of the things that makes Wisconsin unique is the diverse ecosystems that are found everywhere in the state. Many people throughout the Midwest travel here to see our wondrous state parks and wildlife. These testaments to responsible conservation should be conserved and promoted at large. Additionally, hunting is a necessary form of conservation that is crucial for managing wildlife populations. I am a lifelong hunter and presently there is an unfortunate decline of hunters in Wisconsin which may be a greater issue than many realize.



Cost-efficient energy sources including fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal must remain until more sustainable and effective renewable energy are achieved. With that being said, nuclear energy can be the future of sustainable energy. There are no other energy sources that can realistically compare to the sheer quantity of energy produced and with current technology, it is operated efficiently and with extreme caution. Currently, there is only one operating Nuclear Power Plant in Wisconsin.


Water Quality

One issue that isn't well known is the concern about water quality and the pipes that transport them. Many municipal pipes that transport freshwater for drinking, washing, etc. have not been updated in decades and the quality of the water itself is becoming detrimental to overall health. This continues as BPAs, PFAs, and various endocrine disruptors leach into our freshwater supply and wells. The standards for drinking water should be revised to promote longevity.

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