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     I am a student at the University of Wisconsin River Falls studying Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and Biology. I am very well informed on the current status of the Universities of Wisconsin System, more specifically, the financial crises that are occurring at many institutions and that will likely extend to UWRF. The burden of continuing with current financial requests even in the face of dropping enrollment will inevitably be placed on the students. This is a huge problem because tough decisions will have to be made and no doubt students will be affected. By extension, this can be projected onto the government, as a whole, because there is too much spending and the apparatus can always be smaller and more efficient. 


     I am an outspoken advocate for college students. In January, I had the opportunity to lobby at the state capitol on behalf of UW System students on Senate Bill 767. This bill would require UW schools to provide first-year out-of-state students with the knowledge on how to vote absentee in their home state. This would be an instrumental bill, especially at UWRF where nearly 50% of enrolled students are Minnesota residents. I look forward to lobbying on future legislation regarding UW system students.

Lobbying at the Capitol on Senate Bill 767



Meeting and Speaking With President Trump

     I currently serve on the Executive Board of the Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans(WICRs). There are nearly twenty College Republican chapters at secondary institutions all across the state of Wisconsin. WICRs strives to build up conservative youth and advocate for the rights of conservative students on college campuses. WICRs gets students involved with campaigns and opportunities within state politics to create the bright young leaders of tomorrow.


     I had the opportunity, along with nearly twenty other Wisconsin College Republicans to volunteer to make phone calls for Trump at the Iowa Caucus, in Des Moines, earlier this year. Tens of thousands of phone calls were made by our group alone and Donald Trump himself attended. I had the privilege of saying a few words to him and shaking his hand. With the help of the Wisconsin College Republicans President Trump had a resounding victory in Iowa. 

UWRF College Republicans

     Besides serving on the executive board of WICRs, I created the College Republicans chapter at UW-River Falls in September of 2023. I serve as the Chairman and we have 15 active members and an email list nearing 100 conservative faculty and students at UW-River Falls. We have been instrumental in promoting free speech, conservative thought, and moral decency at this university in the two semesters that we have been established. Notable events include volunteering with a non-profit dedicated to ending human trafficking, a voter registration drive at a UWRF football game, condemning a Drag Queen Bingo event paid for by student funds that took place in the University Center, biweekly tabling, and hosting local candidates and state legislators. The UWRF College Republicans have served as the bulwark against the woke liberal ideology that plagues the historically prestigious University of Wisconsin River Falls.


     In the fall, we took advantage of the opportunity to speak to members of the Board of Regents when they came to UWRF. I informed them on how to encourage conservative thought and make it more welcomed on campuses. Furthermore, UW Systems President Jay Rothman visited UWRF in March and I spoke to him directly about the concern of DEI still being present in the University of Wisconsin Systems even after the release on the hold of pay raises for UW employees.


     Outside of the club, I have been active in the Student Government at UWRF along with many other College Republican members. We are directly bringing about responsible budgeting and resolutions that will promote the success of the students and UW-River Falls at large.


Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention


UWRF College Republicans Regular Meeting

Local Politics


     Another responsibility I encourage for my College Republican members is being active in local politics by campaigning for local candidates and becoming a County Republican Party member. I am currently a voting member of the Pierce County Republican Party. I have attended the Pierce County caucus, Wisconsin's 3rd Congressional District Caucus, and attended the Wisconsin State GOP Convention all as a representative of Pierce County GOP. Caucuses are important for ensuring poor legislation ideas, such as ranked-choice voting, do not get recommended to the state legislature. At the 3rd Congressional District Caucus, under my leadership the UWRF College Republicans received the best College Republicans Club Award in the whole district, comprised of 18 counties in western Wisconsin. Volunteering for local school board, city council, and county board candidates is essential and I put in many hours in this spring election to ensure conservative candidates won where it mattered most for families.

WI 3rd Congressional District Caucus


My upbringing was in a Catholic household where we went to church every Sunday. Christianity is paramount in my life and defines the unchangeable virtues I promote and exhibit on a daily basis. Furthermore, I was raised in a household where respect and responsibility to everybody is expected and I have carried that throughout my whole life. Leading by example is the best way to promote a healthy and virtuous culture.

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